APH Anon Meme Wiki


A drinking game is very simple and easy to play. Take alcohol (For underaged anons you can substitute soda or hot chocolate), take a shot glass (or take a big gulp if you don't have a shot glass), and down the shot glass when something happens on the list unless it says otherwise (Like take two shots instead of one when someone posts kakka in white text). Please do not do this everyday if you are a



ctually going to drink alcohol, for the sake of your liver and brain cells. Also due to the large list, it is recommended that you substitute "shot" for "half-shot" or sip.

List of possible beverages to drink for the game[]

1. Vodka

2. Ramune

3. Tequila

4. Dr. Pepper

5. Water

6. Fruit Juice

7. Hot Chocolate

8. Beer

The List(We encourage people to update this to fit with the current meme trends)[]


  • For a camwhore thread and someone's ugly (although its unlikely, as the meme appears to be filled with beautiful people. And beauty is in the eye of the beholder)
  • If someone posts a picture
  • If someone posts a video
  • If der_alt_troll replies to a thread for no reason other than to say something lame and Prussia-like
  • If there's a headcount thread


  • Every time someone posts a video but you're too lazy to watch it because it's too long
  • Every time someone posts "kakka" in white text
  • Every time someone posts a link to pixiv
  • If someone eyes.gif's (though perhaps it might be safer to merely sip with this one)
  • If someone flips a table
  • If wank occurs
  • If Smoorfi does something creepy. (It's usually advised not to do this when Fudge and him are threading)
  • When Fudge says something dumb
  • If someone's an obivious anon (Includes flower anon and all that)
  • When someone posts a picture of Denmark and it's Pan or Fudge (or if they're being accused)
  • If someone tries to pagetops but fails
  • When someone tries to get first comment and fails
  • If someone namefags during an all anon page
  • When female France posts porn
  • When someone posts popcorn.gif or some variant.
  • When Teru posts a Plushenko picture (one shot for every picture)
  • When a picture from pixiv is posted and someone nitpicks it
  • When someone gets +1'd
  • When someone posts stuff from the news
  • When someone calls a repost(one for shot for each repost in the anon's post)
  • When someone fails to div
  • When someone HTML fails

� � �


  • If someone posts a disturbing picture
  • If someone accidentaly de-anons
  • Every time someone posts something centered (bet played during spam time)
  • If there's nothing in the post at all
  • If anon says they pooped or did something.
  • If someone posts text art
  • If someone punches a babu
  • If someone says "italianspiderman"
  • If someone misfires
  • When Viking Denmark and Sweden post how they're never gonna score, because they never will.
  • When someone gets groped
  • When someone posts porn


  • Take a shot if someone summons someone, take another if they're successful
  • Take a shot if someone does a quad, take another if someone gives them a sliver medal, take two more if it's with a Plushenko smiley icon
  • Take three shots whenever a gif is posted
  • Take a four shots if someone is drunk, and take five if it's a namefag
  • Take five shots if teru posts a video about plushenko
  • Every time someone posts "chigi""chubbu""fatty" or some variant, take a shot (Take one more shot for every HTML effect or "ve" in the post)
  • Take a shot when someone says "GB2B _____" take TWO shots if they were right and the person replies
  • Take a shot if someone pagetops with something weird, take another if they didn't mean to


  • Down the bottle if fem!France and Germany score
  • Down the whole bottle if there's a part lasting wank
  • Down the whole bottle if someone gets plastered because of the drinking game!